Helpful Links
Mind to Mindful offers free 4 - week sessions teaching skills to use Mindfulness to manage depression and anxiety.
WhatsUp? Wellness Check Ups provides teen mental health and suicide screenings in Nevada County schools.
Hospice of the Foothills provides end-of-life care and caregiver support services.
Foster Kinship Care Education provides Information and Support for foster or kinship (grandparents or other relatives) caregivers for children.
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) provides information and support for individuals and families affected by mental illness including local groups and classes for Nevada County.
Useful Apps
Curable is an app based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy that helps with managing chronic pain. There are also “workshop” options that dig in deeper to pain and mood management. There is free trial and if you choose to continue, the subscription fee is HSA/FSA eligible.
Videos you may find helpful: